
The Thrifty Prep is a guide to dressing well on any budget.

While this site launched in 2013 as a way for me to document my thrift store finds, the Thrifty Prep has evolved into a menswear and lifestyle site, offering advice and inspiration on how to live and dress in a traditional American style, without breaking the bank while doing so. I feature clothing from the companies I feel stay true to the ethos of American style, and document both new and vintage items.

The Thrifty Prep is written for those who have an aspiration to dress well- and the motivation to do so.

Also, pictures of sailboats from time to time.
When starting college, I fell in love with the traditional American style of menswear. The preferred clothiers of your grandparents generation uphold their reputation because of lasting quality and timeless style, a time before imported mass market fast-"fashion" became the disappointing standard.

Unfortunately, to build a wardrobe of these items can often be out of reach to the average college student or young professional. Regardless, that doesn't mean you can't obtain these coveted items at a fraction of retail cost, and build a collection of beautiful clothes on any budget.

Thrift shopping is like treasure hunting, or fishing, in a way, in that while you may only walk away with a single item at a time, you feel a sense of reward and excitement every time you hunt.

This blog highlights my finds, as well as some of my tips and suggestions. To illustrate the savings involved with thrift shopping, I will frequently post the estimated retail value of the new counterparts. I will try to use the most accurate figure available, but keep in mind they are only estimates.

I am always looking for new ways to improve the site, and to bring valuable content to my readers.
In the meantime, thank you for visiting, and I hope to hear from you in the comments!

Have a suggestion for the site?
Want to request an article or review?
Have a question you would like answered?

email me directly: Thriftyprep@gmail.com 

and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, use the comment form below, or on the bottom of any article.

Most all of the photos used are my own, but if I do source images from elsewhere I will always try to credit the author.

1 comment :

  1. I just stumbled upon your blog and I am impressed. My story is pretty similar, minus the thrifting. I might have to give that a shot. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you will have more readers soon. I know I just bookmarked your site!
