Jun 16, 2013

June Finds

Pickings have been fairly slim lately, and I've come up empty handed quite a few times during thrifting adventures. Patience is a virtue however, and I have come up with some great finds in the past month regardless. I've also been checking eBay pretty regularly and a made a couple purchases through there as well. 

Here's the latest acquisitions: 

A Brooks Brothers Fun Shirt . Every prep must own at least (and possibly no more than) one  variation of it.
This particular example is made from two different color stripes, yellow on the front, and blue on the back.
Ebay: $11
Retail: $70?

Jun 2, 2013

Preppy Movie Preview: The Royal Tenenbaums

Sure, you may have seen Wes Anderson's 2001 quirky, avant-garde film The Royal Tenenbaums, but the question is, were you paying attention to the costumes? This won't be Anderson's first foray into trad style, as we've seen before in Rushmore, he evidently likes to create characters who lean towards prepdom.

As a estranged, albeit wealthy  family, the Tenenbaums exhibit many elements of preppy style. From camelhair jackets, to numerous suit and tie combinations, quite a few items stuck out to me while watching, so I've screen captured them for review. While each character has his/her own take on dress, overall the details seemed very spot on. Add to the record Moonrise Kingdom, filmed in ocean-side Narraganset Bay and  Jamestown, RI. and you have quite a lot of prep (after taking into account Bill Murray's madras trousers).

The sartorial choices of each character end up being more of a motif than purely costume, but I won't give out any plot spoilers, just photographic evidence of the goods.

Here are a few scenes that grabbed my attention from Royal: