Jan 12, 2014

Identifying Brooks Brothers Labels

One of the great joys of thrifing (for me anyways) is coming across items from all different years and decades. Since Brooks Brothers have been producing clothing for nearly 200 years, It should come as no surprise that the labeling has changed many times over as well.

 Below is an (incomplete) chronology of some of the shirt and tie labels I have come across. Feel free to chime in with comments if you have information that could be useful to completing this timeline! I will continue to add photos and information to this article as they become available to me.

Sport Shirts

(Alpha-Sized, Button down collars)

I have seen several renditions of this larger sport shirt label, 
but I believe they are from the mid to late-2000's.

Rectangular label from the early to mid 2000's

Modern sport shirt label

Modern sport shirt with "Big Label"
Currently used on many "Red Fleece" line products.