Jan 3, 2013


I happened to come across an amazing deal on many, many used ties. Out of the dozens I received  I sorted out some of my favorites, and have been selling the rest to friends at a good discount. Below are some pictures of the lot! I ended up paying less than $70 for a total of 225 ties, keeping a couple dozen for myself and making back that initial investment through sales of some of the rest. I still have quite a number I'm not sure what to do with... but I've got a couple ideas.

I was rather fond of the penguin emblematic but I gifted it to a friend :)

Nearly all of them...from the first box

Total Savings (Just from the ones I kept!)  ~ $1,800


  1. Update:
    Moving forward, it made sense to sell off a decent number of these ties in an effort to improve my own collection. I am trying to maintain an emphasis on Made in USA or European ties and keep as few "Made in China" as possible.

    That being said, I used the opportunity to raise money for my rowing team and did end up keeping a handful of the 200+ ties I had acquired for myself.

  2. Well done! There are many more where those came from! :-)
